Bare Bones:
An overly-analytical human makes fun of other humans.

Running Time – 60 min.
Overall Thoughts:
Nate Bargatze is a mild-mannered, common sense comedian who has the "observe-report-comment" protocol down to a science. He uses vivid examples, that we all relate to, in a friendly, comforting presentation, while injecting biting critiques of the people and practices we find so familiar.
What Makes This Show Special:
The structure of Nate's routine seems to be meandering, semi-ADD streams of whatever pops into his mind, interrupting his own jokes with random comments, all of which makes his delivery extremely engaging.
Beware Of:
Bergatze's style is very addictive, so if you watch one of his performances, you will immediately want to see more. So a warning that you will end up binging all of his shows.
For Dawg Eyes Only: Plenty of opportunity for humans to blow the dawg whistle on other humans, so we don't have to do the dirty work.