Bare Bones:
A series of individual stories of people living in one Chicago neighborhood.

3 Seasons
25 Episodes
Episode Length 26 – 51 min.
ABT (Approx. Binge Time) – 12 hours
Overall Thoughts:
Easy isn't the type of show you get overly excited about, but after watching a few episodes, you appreciate the terrific acting and very personal story lines. Telling the multiple stories within a Chicago neighborhood, characters reappear or pre-appear as peripheral characters to the other stories. You get engrossed in a story and all of a sudden you recognize someone from another episode!
What Makes This Show Special:
Easy utilizes very realistic dialogue with overlapping speech, and incorporates awkward pauses as characters think about what they will say before they say it. This is just the way humans actually talk!
Beware Of:
There's not always a nice neat conclusion to each episode; some episodes are more dramatic, some more comedic, and the characters' motivations are sometimes subtle and difficult to detect.
For Dawg Eyes Only:
Recognizing some human faces!
Was looking for something new to watch. Good timing, Watch Dawg!