Bare Bones:
An American marketing professional, while in London on business, meets an Irish schoolteacher and feels a need to stay once his business trip ends.

4 Seasons
24 Episodes
Episode Length 24 – 28 min.
ABT (Approx. Binge Time) – 10 hours
Overall Thoughts:
Catastrophe is a fun show because you can see so clearly both the polished and worn areas of the main characters' relationship. Sharon and Rob, both of whom are clearly flawed, fall in love. Yet they recognize and accept each others flaws, at least until their flaws keep putting big dents in their relationship.
What Makes This Show Special:
It's difficult for a canine to understand why humans say the things they do. Sharon and Rob talk openly about any issues that arise in their relationship, and with those around them. There are no taboos during their conversations; if they feel it, they say it. Often times without paying attention to the consequences, how it will impact the feelings of each other and their friends and relatives.
Beware Of:
Both main characters have potty mouths. I don't just mean saying curse words, it's the graphic nature of the curse words in general conversation, both as playful teasing and as hurtful anger. I call this type of show an "upsetting comedy".
For Dawg Eyes Only: These people need to learn to close their mouths for a second! Humans are always telling us to be quiet when we bark. The tables are turned here. An Irresistible Dawg Fight!