Bare Bones:
An aspiring Hollywood writer stumbles over a pessimistic radio producer and starts an awkward relationship.

3 Seasons
34 Episodes
Episode Length 23 – 40 min.
ABT (Approx. Binge Time) – 18 hours
Overall Thoughts:
Produced by Judd Apatow and Paul Rust (the star of the show), Love takes us on a bumpy journey as two young adults try to find and mold just the right formula for a meaningful relationship. Mickey is looking for someone who embraces her cynical outlook, yet will help guide her away from regretful decisions. Gus is hoping to find someone who supports him in his Hollywood dreams. Not groundbreaking, but enjoyable to watch very interesting personalities stagger through familiar circumstances.
What Makes This Show Special:
A great show will take a character with many flaws, and allow you to empathize with them and see them as a person you can relate to rather than as a villain. Love gives us a peak at behavior that is normally considered unacceptable. But because we understand where the characters' motivations are coming from, we find it justifiable!
Beware Of:
One particular episode, where the gang meets the actor who played Michael Myers in Halloween, seems so random and unnecessary.
For Dawg Eyes Only: Remember how it feels when a human sprays your face with a water spritzer? So refreshing yet kind of annoying. That's how humans feel when trying to find their mate. Love Bites.