Bare Bones:
Twin teenagers stumble into a part-time job as bounty hunters.

1 Season
10 Episodes
Episode Length 42 – 58 min.
ABT (Approx. Binge Time) – 8 hours
Overall Thoughts:
Judging this book by its cover, I was not expecting much style from Teenage Bounty Hunters. And yes, we do see much stereotypical teenage behavior, such as teens having serious conversations about less-than-serious topics. However, the appeal for this show grew as the opening season moved along and we discover how these young southern Christians balance the teachings of their faith with their social open-mindedness.
What Makes This Show Special:
Kadeem Hardison creates a wonderful character as Bowser, the grizzled, cynical bounty hunter who is doing the only thing he knows how to do in order to make ends meet. When he realizes that two high school girls are uniquely qualified to make up for his quality gaps, he begrudgingly hires them as his new associates and creates a relationship that's fun to watch.
Beware Of:
Because I'm so familiar with Atlanta (the story's setting), I was uncomfortable with the forced shout-outs to icons such as MARTA and Tyler Perry.
For Dawg Eyes Only:
Canines and law-enforcement go together like frozen yogurt and sprinkles. Dawgs will appreciate the rare screen time devoted to actual hunting of bounties. Junkyard Dawgs!